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Navigation: Part program instructions

"Values recording in an array" instruction

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"Values recording in an array" instruction

This instruction is used to record the value of a user variable for several cycles of a program.

It is possible to register three types of variables: LREAL, REAL or DINT.

You can use this instruction only once per program and save a maximum of 20 values. (20 program cycles)

These values are returned in an array that is part of the user variables.

Use of the instruction

To start, you must create an array type user variable followed by the type of variable you want to save. (see figure 1)

EnregistrValeurAffectationVar english

Figure 1: Declaration of the type of variables in the array

Then insert the instruction into the part-program.

In this one, enter the variable you want to save and the array in which you want to save it. (figure 2)

EnregistrValeurChoixTableau english

Figure 2: Using the instruction "values recording in an array"

Below is a list of the instruction's input and output parameters:

Parameter name





Variable to be recorded



Array in which the values of the recorded variable are stored

Table 1: List of instruction parameters

In the variable declaration window, you can view in real time the values recorded in the array by clicking on the "view" lunettes icon in the main menu.

To reset the array values, right-click and select "Initialize array" (see figure 3)

EnregistrValeurVisuInit english

Figure 3: Viewing the values in the array