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Presse universelle MecaMotion par 

The universal press

The universal press has been designed to perform assembling, punching, riveting, cutting, bending, stamping, marking, measuring, or clipping operations. For each operation, the press manages the force applied throughout the cycle. Thanks to this, it is also possible to carry out stiffness tests.


Figure 1: Example of operations achievable with the press

In order to adapt to all types of applications, the relatively intuitive MecaMotion software allows you to program the cycle to be performed yourself.

The universal press can be controlled using a Beckhoff, Siemens, B&R, Codesys, Schneider Electric PLC via a PROFINET link, or with a computer and MecaMotion software that uses the Ethernet link.

Schematic diagram of the use of a PLC controlled press

PrincipeUtilisation5 english

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the use of the universal press