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Navigation: Programming the press with MecaMotion

Project comparison

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Online / offline project comparison

The online project comparison function allows you to visualize the differences between the active project in the press and the open project in MecaMotion.

The offline comparison allows you to visualize the differences between two projects saved on a data carrier.

The comparison is made on part programs, envelopes, input/output associations with user variables and parameters.

Using the online comparison  

To carry out the comparison online, right-click on the "press" folder and then "compare online". (see figure 1)

A window opens, on which you can check the differences between the projects.

ComparaisonEnLigne english

Figure 1: Compare online

Using the offline comparison

To perform the comparison offline, right-click on the "press" folder and then "compare". (see figure 2)

The windows explorer opens, in this one, choose the project to compare.

Comparaison hors ligne english

Figure 2 : Compare offline

For each part-program, instructions with different parameters are displayed in red and missing instructions in yellow. (see figure 3)

Comparaison Programme english

Figure 3: Comparison of part-programs

User variables that are not declared are displayed in yellow.

If you perform an online comparison, the variables not used in the part programs will not be visible in the online project and will then be returned in yellow in the offline project. (see figure 4)

Comparaison variables english

Figure 4: Comparison of user variables