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Creating a Profinet link

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Creating a Profinet link

As explained in the topic "Overview of the universal press system", the press can be controlled by a PLC, using a PROFINET connection.

Below is a brief list of existing PROFINET commands:

Selection of the operating mode (Manual or Automatic)

Request for go up or go down in JOG (run on sight)

Manual movement (position, abs/rel. mode, speed, acc./dec. and start manual positioning)

Sending the part program number to be activated

Executing the active part-program


For more information on the different PROFINET commands, see the help topic "Control the press by a PLC".

Wiring a PROFINET connection between the press and a PLC

We will take as an example a Siemens PLC from the S7-1500 range.

To be able to communicate with the press via PROFINET, you must make the connection shown in Figure 1.

The connection to the PC on which the MecaMotion software is located is shown as a broken line and the PROFINET connection to the PLC is shown as a continuous line.

LiaisonProfinet english

Figure 1: Diagram of the connections with the PLC and PC

Creation of the PROFINET connection in the hardware configuration of the PLC

The example below is made with Siemens TIA PORTAL software.

First, in the programming software, you must create a new project and add the PLC you are going to use (example S7-1500).

Then, install the GSD file provided with the press, to do so, click on the "Options" tab and then "manage general station description files".

Ajouter un fichier GSD EN

Figure 2: Opening the GSD file manager

Choose the source path and install the GSD file.

Installer un fichier GSD EN

Figure 3: Installing the GSD press file

Once the GSD file is installed, you will find the press element in the hardware catalogue on the right side of the screen. The path is as follows: Other field devices -> PROFINET IO -> PLCs & Cps -> SIEMENS AG -> D410 -> Presse.

Drag and drop the press element into the network view.

Creation liaison profinet exemple 2 EN

Figure 4: Inserting the press element into the network view

On the press element, click on "not assigned" and choose the PLC with which you want to create the PROFINET link.

Créer liaison profinet TIA EN

Figure 5: Assignment to the PROFINET network

The PROFINET link is now created, all you have to do is enter the IP addresses and subnetwork masks of the devices. You will also need to define the address ranges of the Profinet inputs/outputs of the press.