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Encoder recognition

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Encoder recognition

If the press motor is a third party motor (not Siemens) and the encoder is of the EnDat type, to be able to use the press, you must make a recognition of the encoder.

Procedure to follow for recognizing the encoder

1.First of all, the emergency stop must be activated before the encoder can be recognized. Then, in the project tree, right-click on the "Press" tab and, in the drop-down menu that appears, select "Expert Control". Once this menu is selected, the window in Figure 1 opens.

CommandesExpert EN

Figure 1: "Expert" control menu

2.Before proceeding, make sure that the IP address entered in the platform is correct. (See "Establishing the Ethernet connection").

3.When the IP address of the press is correct, click on the "Encoder Commissioning" button.

Thenceforth, the encoder recognition will be done automatically. Wait until the text "Successful ROM writing - Learning completed" appears in the event window.