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"Force sensor management" instruction

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"Force sensor management" instruction

This instruction changes the range of the force sensor and reset the value of the force sensor.

Range 1 corresponds to the smallest range of the force value (example 0 to 150N) and range 2 corresponds to the largest range (example 0 to 1500N).

At the beginning of a program, you must reset the force sensor and choose the range you want to work with.

Use of the instruction

When you change the range, it is imperative to reset the force sensor.

If you use the instruction to switch consecutively to "reset" mode and then to "measurement" mode, you must insert a waiting delay of at least 100[ms] between the two. (figure 1)

CapteurForceWaitAvantMesure english

Figure 1: Reset/Measurement of the force sensor

Insert the instruction into the part-program and choose "reset" or "measurement" mode.

CapteurForceResetMesure english

Figure 2: Force sensor measurement/reset

If you want to change the "range" you must check the box to the right of the field to enable the range selection. (see figure 3)

CapteurForceChoixRange english

Figure 3: Selection of the force sensor range

Example of use:

In this example, we want to activate the "range 1" of the force sensor. The procedure for changing the force sensor range is as follows: 1) activate the reset mode, 2) wait 50ms, 3) change the range always in reset mode, 4) wait 100ms, 5) activate the measurement mode.

Capteur Force Exemple english

Figure 4: Use of the force sensor management instruction