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"Max signal detection" control instruction

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"Max signal detection" control instruction

This instruction allows to detect in a control area given by a trigger signal, the maximum value that the signal to be measured will reach.

Mesure Signal max english

Figure 1: Explanatory graph of the control function

The signals that can be defined as triggers are as follows:

Axis position

Force sensor

Measurement sensor signal

For each of these signals, it is possible to give the area in which the control function will work, or perform the control throughout the positioning.

It is possible to search for the maximum value of three different signals:

Axis position

Force sensor

Measurement sensor signal

As soon as the trigger signal leaves the control area, the maximum value found will be stored in a user variable in LREAL format.

Programmation_ControleSignalMax english

Figure 2: Example of programming to detect the maximum force when the axis position is between 5[mm] and 27[mm].

Below is a list of the instruction's input and output parameters:

Parameter name


Type of data

Default value


Trigger signal


Enum [Source signal]

Axis position

Function trigger signal, measuring sensor, axis position or force sensor

Detection mode


Enum [In a segment or entire positioning]

In a segment

Detection mode, In a segment or entire positioning

Segment start point




Start position of the control zone

Segment end point




End position of the control zone

Detected signal


Enum [Source signal]

Force sensor

Detected signal, measuring sensor, axis position or force sensor





Maximum value measured during detection

Table 1: List of instruction parameters

Example of use:

We want to detect the maximum force measured by the force sensor when the axis moves from the absolute position 25[mm] to the absolute position 45[mm].

Explication contrôle signal max english

Figure 3: Example of using max signal detection

Below, the program used for the example above.

Programmation_ControleSignalmax2 english

Figure 4: Program for maximum force detection between 25 and 45[mm]

Note: The force sampling is done every 2[ms]. If a peak of the signal to be measured occurs between two samples, it will not be detected.