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"Signal measurement" control instruction

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"Signal measurement" control instruction

This instruction is used to measure the value of an "X" signal when a trigger signal "Y" reaches a certain threshold.

For a measurement of the "X" signal to be made, the trigger signal must be either larger or smaller (depending on the type of comparison) than the value of the threshold parameter.

When the signal "X" is measured, it is multiplied by a factor "A" and an offset "B" is added. This factor and offset are function parameters (by default, the factor is set to 1 and the offset is set to 0). These parameters can come from a user variable or be given as constants.

The result stored in the return variable will be equal to:

Resulting measured value  =  Measured value at threshold  *  Factor A  +  Offset B

Explication contrôle mesure signal english

Figure 1: Graph explaining how the "Signal Measurement" control works

The signals that can be defined as triggers are as follows:

Axis position

Force sensor

Measurement sensor signal

There are two types of trigger-to-threshold comparisons:

Comparison ">': If the trigger signal is greater than or equal to the threshold => Recording the value of the measured signal.

Comparison'<': If the trigger signal is smaller or equal to the threshold => Recording the value of the measured signal.

When the trigger signal passes the given threshold as a parameter, it is possible to record the value of one of the three signals below:

Axis position

Force sensor

Measurement sensor signal

Below is a list of the instruction's input and output parameters:

Parameter name


Type of data

Default value


Trigger signal


Enum [Signal source]

Axis Position

Comparison trigger signal, measuring sensor, axis position or force sensor



Enum [Comparison]


Comparison type ">" or "<"





Threshold that the trigger signal must reach to record the measured signal

Measured signal


Enum [Signal source]

Force sensor

Measured signal, measuring sensor, axis position or force sensor





Factor multiplied by the result





Offset added to the result





Measured value when the comparison becomes true * factor + offset

Table 1: List of instruction parameters


If the "result" variable must contain the value that has actually been measured, simply set the following offset and multiplication parameters:

Factor A = 1

Offset B = 0

Programmation_Controlemesure english

Figure 2: Example of programming the signal measurement control

Example of use:

We would like to record the position of the axis at which the press begins to exert force on the part.

Explication exemple mesure signal english

Figure 3: Schematic explanation of the operation

In the program below, we make a movement towards the preposition at high velocity, then a movement at low velocity to come into contact with the part (Force > 5[N]), at this moment we record the position of the axis and we stop the movement.

Programmation_ExempleMesureSignal english

Figure 4: Part program to record the position of the axis when the force > 5[N]